Friday, July 29

Thank GOD it's Friday!!!

This has been SUCH a long week. As I've mentioned before, we've been swamped at work. Which is good for job security, I suppose. But when you are sleep deprived because of a miserable teething infant, it sucks for your sanity. Oh well, I wouldn't trade my daughter for all the sleep in the world. I know this won't last forever and someday I'll long for these times when she needed me.

I've got some B-I-G plans for the weekend. Don't confuse big with fun, though. I plan on doing some serious cleaning. Similar to what Kim did last weekend, but I don't know that I'll wash the baseboards with soap & water! The biggest phase of my cleaning will involve cleaning out/organizing/throwing away. I do this at least twice a year, sometimes more. I tend to be a packrat, but I hate clutter! So when I begin to feel my home is a little too crowded, I go on a ruthless cleaning spree. Sure, I might possible need that gadget for 5 minutes 3 years from now, BUT I think I'll cope. And I don't know about you guys, but often I find things I forgot I had. So what good are they to me anyway? I also MUST organize my recipes.

And, in an ideal world, I'll get to watch a few movies and do some scrapbooking. We'll see. I'm going to try really, really hard to do at LEAST one page. I've had the "scrapping bug" for awhile now, and I think my lack of scrapbooking might be contributing to my moodiness.

OH!!! On a positive and happy note, my friend Aimee brought me 3 bras yesterday that she bought and could not wear. While they are not the idea bra style, they DO fit and they DO support. I'm so grateful to her. A good bra is a marvelous thing.

Now that I've told you my home is a cluttered mess and that I wear hand-me-down bras, I'll sign off! Have a good weekend!!


Kim :) said...

Jackie, your cracking me up today!

I hope that you can get things cleaned and decluttered. That is one thing I have to do from time to time as well or I go insane! My family typically don't like it when I declutter as I tossed even there stuff if I feel like they haven't utilized it as much as I think they should! *laugh*

Yes, do make time for at least one scrapbook page this weekend. That very well could be the medicine that you need right now! I know for me it is some damn good medicine!

Glad to hear that you friend Aimee brought you some hand me down bras. Hey, I say if anyone wants to bring ME some hand me down bras BRING IT ON!! That way I don't have to spend money on them and I can buy other things that are more fun! :)

have a super weekend.

Kelley said...

I get that organizing/cleaning out bug every now and then too. You're right, if you haven't used it in a year, you just don't need it!!

Also glad to hear about your new hand-me-down bras :)