Wednesday, July 20

Song Writer

Did you know that unexpected creativity can spring from all sorts of places? Like surprisingly to anyone who knows me, I can make up song lyrics on the spot and they rhyme sometimes?

One I made up not too long after Ashleigh was born goes like this:
(sing to tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider)
Little Ashleigh Reagan is a pretty girl,
She's got a smile that lights up the whole world.
Her Mom and Daddy love her and that is a fact,
They would never, ever send her back.

OK. Stop laughing. I know that song writers everywhere can rest easy knowing I won't be taking any work from them. BUT my baby LOVES it and that's all that matters. Kenneth is alternately amused and horrified by my attempts. But it's kinda fun, really. Unfortunately, I make up most of them on the fly during dinner time or when getting her ready for bed, so I don't remember them.

Here's another one that she really loves. I can't tell you a tune to sing it to, I composed the "music" for this one, as well as the words.

Boogey woogey Ashleigh-roo,
Boogey woogey eyes of blue,
Boogey woogey Mommy loves you,
Boogey woogey woogey woogey Daddy does too.

This should prove to you I'll do ANYTHING for my baby. Especially considering I'll sing these to her in public (very quietly) when she's fussy.

But you know, my repetoire of classic children's songs is limited. I've been looking up lyrics on the internet like crazy though! because you might think you know how a song goes until you try to sing it, then realize you know 2 lines! Like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or Here Comes Peter Cottontail. (I do reserve Peter Cottontail for Easter time, though.)

I've been reading some articles about improving memory, reducing stress, etc. Mabye I'll be able to work up a more thought-provoking entry for tomorrow!

1 comment:

Cory said...

I don't know any of those either. I can sing something else to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle, but it woulsn't make since to anyone. Then again, it's a lyric to help me remember some Japanese grammar.
I do like your songs though. And they are nothing to be ashamed of singing in public....well, not if you have Ashleigh there.... :)