Friday, July 22

Ready for the Weekend

I don't know about you guys, but I'm so happy it's Friday!!! It's payday too, that's always a plus.

We're going to see my family this weekend and spending the night. It will only be the second time Ashleigh as spent the night at my parent's house, so who knows how that will go....

I'm just over the moon about Ashleigh's photos. I picked them up today and they are so good! I just love them all. I'm in the process of scanning them so I can share them. Of course some folks will get a real print, but unfortunately Kenneth and I are poor and can afford tons of photos to give everyone. Adding to the excitement is the photographer asked if she could enter one of the prints in her company's photo contest. If the photo is chosen, she'll win money, etc. Plus, the photo might be used in promotional materials and we'd get some free photo packages. That's all exciting, but the fact that a total stranger wants to enter MY baby in a contest is cool...

I checked out a really cool blog that Kelley recommended on her blog earlier today. I loved it and think the girl sounds awesome. She's a scrapbooker and tells it like it is. That seems to have gotten quite a few people in the "scrapbooking community" stirred up. So now there is all this cattiness flying around, so to speak. All this drama because some women are just being themselves and some other women are too uptight to live and let live. AAACCCKKKK!!!!! It reminded me once again why I've always shied away from message boards, online chat groups, etc. I love looking at layouts on 2 Peas, but I don't even get in a big hurry to post stuff anymore. Things have gotten so clique-y. And sometimes it seems like if you aren't on the cutting edge of the latest trends, you are looked down upon. WHATEVER!!!! I like to do what I want, when I want, how I want. Well, at least within my means. We have NO money for me to buy scrapbooking supplies, no matter how cool they are or how badly I think I might need them. I have to make due with what's in my scrap room. (also known as the laundry room, LOL). PLUS, I just don't need all that drama. I like to have a quiet life. Just do my own thing, my own way. You know, live and let live.

It's really sad that I do shy away from so many things, because I know there are so many great women out there I could connect with, I really want to put up with all the asses that come along with that? I just don't know...

OK, now that I've had my little rant for the day, I'll log off for now.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Great post today! And I'm glad you checked out that blog...I think she rocks! :) Am on my way to check out those new photos you posted. Can't wait! How cool that the photog wants to enter it in a contest. Woo hoo!!! Hope your weekend goes well. Enjoy!!!