Tuesday, July 5

Feeling Crappy

Well, I've not posted in several days for a few reasons. One, because I didn't have time to think about it over the holiday weekend and because I've been feeling very negative lately. I think maybe that started Thursday of last week? Not sure exactly, but I swear, it was like a storm cloud came rolling in and I've been in the gloom ever since.

The thing is, I don't know why! We're not in the best-ever financial shape, but we've certainly been in much worse shape. I was doing really well with working out and eating better, had even lost about 4 pounds. So what gives? I think part of it may be another blog I looked at. It's the blog of someone I don't know and the chances of them EVER hearing this are slim to none, but I still won't say who it was. But this person is REALLY great at something, several things actually. And it isn't that I'm jealous of that person's abilities and good fortune. It just hit me that I'm not REALLY good at anything. I don't particularly excel at anything and that just depressed the heck out of me. Even as I write this it sounds silly, but I really think that's what started it all.

And once that snowball of negativity starts rolling, it just gets bigger and bigger and is SO hard to stop! I've tried, really I have. I've made mental and written lists of what I have to be thankful for and what my strengths are. And to be perfectly honest, it's just not helping. I know I'm blessed with family and friends and a job (even though I do complain about it!). And while I don't excel at any one thing, I believe I'm above average on many things. So WHY isn't that good enough? Maybe sometimes we just need to feel blue for a few days. I don't know. Or, maybe like I told a friend at lunch today, maybe it's just a bad case of PMS. That lovely event should be just around the corner, LOL.

I wish I could follow this all up with a post about what a wonderful July 4th I had, but that's not going to happen either. It wasn't horrible by any means, but we just stayed home the entire weekend, except for dinner with my in-laws and some extended family Monday afternoon. And that was really nice. We stayed home because Ashleigh has/had Fifth Disease which isn't a big deal but heat makes the rash "act up" for lack of a better term. And it's stifling hot, so we stayed inside with the wonderful AC. Homebody that I am, this didn't bother me at all. I took my time playing with Ashleigh and doing laundry, etc. on Saturday. Late in the evening, she started getting fussy. Then she would NOT go to sleep. Until 11:30! Then she was uncomfortable and fussy all night. Then WIDE AWAKE at 6am. Ugh. I did take a nap, because I was not doing well Sunday on 3 hours of sleep! She was fussy and needy all day Sunday as well, but slept a good deal better that night. Yesterday she was much closer to normal. I know that raising a baby won't always be smooth sailing, and I just take this past week as a reminder of what a good baby she (normally) is and say a small prayer for all the parents of fussier babies!


Kelley said...

Oh, girl :( Makes me sad to read your post today. If it makes you feel any better whatsoever, I completely understand the "I'm only average" deal. (of course!)...sometimes I look at stuff and am soooo inspired by these people. And other times, it's really just depressing, just a slap in the face that NOPE, I'm not one of them. I'm just an average joe.

I hope that your blueness is majorly in part to PMS...and if not, let's get to the bottom of this!! :)

(but maybe you are right...maybe we DO just need to feel blue every now and then...certainly makes sense to me...)

Anonymous said...

O.K. Firm believer in the every once in a while need a blue day ~ I think once a year is about right but a couple times a year is o.k. too, more than that we might want to talk! I think its just our system telling us how good we are the other 364 days of the year.

Besides, I say your pretty darn special. I met you once a few years back and had a great day and knew what a good friend you were/are to Kel. And now you are special enough for me to tune into your blog and just know how your life is going - time is precious and don't give that up for just anyone.

O.K. Now for the obvious and not needed saying but...Kenneth - best friend, blah, blah, blah - enough said. And Ashleigh - just look at that face, or that belly, or the toes or the back of her neck. Special - yep I'd say. Good at something - yep, extremely good at something - look at those faces and you'll know...

Jackie said...

You guys are so sweet! Your comments really made me smile. I AM feeling some better today, mood-wise anyway. And you know, I might think I'm just average, but that's OK!!

Kim :) said...

SO sorry to hear you were feeling so down! Being average is not a bad thing!! You have talents that those others don't have. Don't sale yourself short. I haven't got to me you in person, but just from reading your blog and you posting in my blog I feel like I know you enough to know that you are a very special person, someone that others look at wishing they were more like you. I also believe that you are "REALLY GOOD" at being a mother. The love for your daughter oozes out of every being of you. I am sure you have many more qualities that you are "really good" at.
