Friday, October 21

Almost there!

That's right, it's almost time to call it a day on Friday! No big plans this weekend, just cleaning (maybe) the house and hanging out with Ashleigh and Kenneth. Still feeling run-down and blah, hope I'm not getting sick. I don't have the time or money for that!

The company picnic is this Sunday afternoon, still not sure if we're going. I really wanted to, if for nothing else to show off my daughter. (Shameless I know, but I'm nothing if not honest!) The thing is that this medicine she is on, well, it has made certain things really messy and hard to contain when they happen. Like giving her a quick bath is usually necessary. If you don't get what I mean, you're probably better off. Don't really want to deal with THAT out in public!

OH! and I need to hook up the printer my Daddy gave me almost TWO WEEKS AGO!! I just don't have the time or energy during the week and with Ashleigh getting sick last weekend....oh well. If I got everything done, what would I do? LOL!

Have a great weekend!


Kim :) said...

Hope you had a good weekend! Did you get that printer hooked up???

Kelley said...

Hi there! I hope that you had a great weekend!! How are you feeling???

(and I think it's probably better that I DON'T know what you're referring to with Ashleigh!!) :)