Wednesday, October 5

Finally...some sleep!

Ashleigh only woke up briefly once last night...thank GOD! It was nice to get some sleep for a change. Especially since I had to get up extra early this morning! My brother-in-law and I have decided to carpool a couple of days a week. He has to be at work at 7am, so I was at the office this morning about 6:45. YIKES!!!! I had my makeup and blowdryer in tow to get ready. No way could I do all THAT and leave my house by 6am. I was all proud of myself for being on time to his house, especially since Ash woke up at 5:30. And he was running late! Oh well, that's OK.

Had a nice cooking, we had leftovers. And Kenneth was gone for awhile, so Ashleigh and I had a girl's night. Nice and relaxing for a change.

Here's my deep thought for the day: What goes around comes around. I believe that and that's what helps me get through the day sometimes.

OK, not too deep of a thought, I suppose. But hey, it's early!


Kim :) said...

Yeah for getting some sleep!! :) Glad to hear it. And the carpooling sounds like a wonderful idea. I hope it works for you guys!

And your deep thought is oh so true!

Have a wonderful day.

Kelley said...

Glad to hear you got some sleep!! :) Especially since you had to get up so dang early. How did it go riding with Philip? Besides getting to work so early??

Like the deep thought. It is definitely true, I think!!!