Monday, October 3

Why does she have to hurt?

{11:34 pm Saturday--just put Ashleigh back to bed. This might be another blog entry I never post...yeah, I do that pretty often...}

About 11, Ash woke up crying. With a tummy ache. Luckily, a few gas drops and laying on her tummy on top of me were all it took to comfort her. After a few minutes of wimpering and hitched breathing (from all the crying) she settled down. It broke my heart for her to hurt, then it hit me:

This is easy.

The hard stuff is yet to come.

When friends turn out not to be friends at all.

When people do or say thoughtless things and hurt her feelings.

When boys break her heart.

Every time she is reminded that life isn’t fair.

How do we comfort her then? I wish she would never experience those things, but she must. I think back on all the “bad”things that have happened to me and realize they made me the person I am today. She’ll have to go through that too. And while Kenneth and I will want to always defend her and bring the wrath of God on anyone who hurts her in any way; we must not. We will have to let her fight her own battles and try not to tell her how to handle things. Unless she asks for advice.

How do we give her the skills she needs to handle life? How do we instill the values we hold dear while letting her become her own person? How do we manage not to totally mess her up?

Why am I not sleepy so I can go to bed and stop totally freaking out about all this? : )

I suppose the answer is to take it as it comes and do the best we can...


Kelley said...

If only you could always give her gas drops and have everything work out so easily! :)

Deep thoughts for so late at night...and you're right, it's easy to freak out about all the possibilities that can happen. I find myself doing that a lot.

All we can do is the best we can. That's right...

YankeeAmanda said...

Gadzooks, what am I in for? This really IS the easy part, isn't it?

Kim :) said...

I am with Kelley, if only we could give them gas drops the rest of their life and all would be good with the world!

You summed it right up. The answer is just take it as it comes and do the best you can. That is all you can do! {{Hugs}} It will all come together.