Friday, October 28

Today is the day...

that I'll most likely be scheduling eye surgery for Ashleigh. We've waited about as long as we can for her tear duct to open up on it's own. The "less invasive" procedure is highly effective before age one, and success declines dramatically afterward. Of course, the "procedure" involves putting my baby to sleep, so I'm not really looking forward to it. But I'm so tired of her little eye being constantly watery and often gunky. So I actually dread the time spent in the waiting room more than what is to come. At least at the pediatrician's office, they are all kids. She will probably be the only child in this waiting room, and from previous experience, I'm expecting to be there awhile. . My "good mommy" side wants to keep her as behaved as possible; but my bad side is tempted to let her be a little hellian so we'll be seen faster. Then again, when I think she's being bad, most people think she's being good! So that idea probably wouldn't get me too far....

Have a pretty good weekend ahead:
Saturday is my niece, Elana's, first birthday party. Just can't believe she'll turn one tomorrow! Have to pick up a gift this afternoon. Sunday my parents are coming to visit. I always love it when they come to see us. Well, they mostly come to see Ashleigh, but that's OK. I'm happy she is blessed with two sets of grandparents who love her so much.

Well, better get busy since I'm leaving work early today! (After I get my paycheck, woo hoo!!!)


Kelley said...

The surgery will be a breeze, and then no more watery eye!!! Chris didn't have tear ducts and had to have surgery too...and look at him now! :)

Have a great weekend with your parents...and at Elana's party! Can't believe she's one already...Ashleigh will be right behind her!

Kim :) said...

I know it is sad to think of your baby going threw the surgery, but doing it now is the best thing. It will all go well. Will be thinking about you!!

The weekends sounds fun, enjoy the birthday party.. that will be Ashleigh's first birthday before long!