Wednesday, October 19

Getting Better

Ashleigh is well on the road to recovery! She got a good report from the doctor this morning, after entertaining everyone in the waiting room for about 30 minutes. She still has a bit of a runny nose, but the fever seems to be gone, and her appetite is back. Her blood work did show a slight iron deficiency, so we're to start her on a vitamin after we finish her antibiotics.

She actually went to sleep last night easily, IN HER BED, about 9:15. She woke up around 11 though, and I think she would have went right back to sleep in her bed after I consoled her. BUT I was so out of it that I just picked her up and got in Kenneth's recliner with her. We both went back to sleep and obviously slept very well, because I didn't know a thing until the alarm clock went off this morning! AND I got to sleep late since her app't was at 9:45. YAY!!!! Another night or two of decent sleep, I might actually start feeling good again!

Heard this on a show Kenneth was watching the other night: "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!"
Love that....


Kelley said...

So glad that Ashleigh is feeling better and that sleep is returning for you! And I've heard that saying too, think it is hilarious!! Actually, Kim has a purse that says that on it!!!

Kim :) said...

Glad to hear that Ashleigh is doing better!!

Oh, I love that saying! As Kelley mentioned I have a purse that says that. I will have to take a picture and show it to you. it is way sassy!!

YankeeAmanda said...

LOL, big girl panties! You mean I have to give up my Wonder Woman Wonderoos???

Cory said...

Yay! We like a not sick baby! I'm glad Ashleigh is doing better, and hope you get some nights of good sleep.
And I'll have to remember that saying. I know some people that need to start living by it.