Thursday, October 13

Where is the weekend?

Sorry I haven't been really posting, we are just swamped at work!

Rachel's daughter, Caiden, made it through surgery really well yesterday and now has a pulmonary artery! She had a good night last night and should be taken off the ventilator today. Rachel sounded great on the phone last night. I can't even imagine how she handles all this, but she does.

Things are well at the Taylor house. Some nights Ashleigh sleeps like a rock, others she doesn't. I honestly just thing it's partly teething and partly that she's getting older and wants to stay up and play. Or maybe doesn't need quite as much sleep. She isn't napping a whole lot during the day, so that's not it. And she's not cranky like she's overly tired. And for those of you who mentioned it, she was actually on Zantac for several months when she was younger. Thank GOD for that stuff is all I've got to say! But, even the night she doesn't sleep well aren't as bad as they were the last time, so we'll get through. (Like we have a choice!)

Must get back to work, tons of ads to do!

OH!! Remember the client I was wishing explosive diarrhea on? I got an e-mail from that individual thanking for my patience, etc. OOOHHHH MAN! If that person only knew!

If I haven't commented on your blog recently and usually do, I'll catch up soon, I promise!


Martha said...

Yikes... my husband hates when all the ads are due at once!! eeekkk...

Glad you are all doing well!

Kim :) said...

I'm looking for the weekend also!!

That is to funny about the client thanking you for your patients. HEHEHE :) We won't tell her what you really wanted to do to her!! lol

Kelley said...

I am sooo glad it's Friday! Been a long week...

Thank you for the Caiden update...

And someone thanking you for your patience!? Ha ha ha ha ha!!! That's like someone thanking ME for MY patience!!!!