Thursday, October 6

Sleep Wars

sleep problem
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

OK, I don't know what was different Tuesday night that made Ashleigh sleep well, but whatever that X factor was, it was missing last night.

Kenneth finally got her to sleep a little after 10, because I just gave up trying. (Thanks, sweetie!!) But maybe 30 minutes later, she was awake crying and screaming. I got in the recliner with her and we were both back to sleep soon. When she started wiggling and "really" woke me up I put her back in her bed, then stumbled to ours and saw it was almost 5 am!!! So I'm a little stiff and sore from sleeping practically all night in a chair.

Nothing appears to be wrong with her during the day. I really don't want to go to the doctor just to be told that this is part of life: deal with it. Then again, if something iswrong and I don't take her, I'll feel really bad.


Guilty confession: Last night, I wished that I could give her something to just knock her out. Like Benadryl or something. Valium, anyone? (just joking. About the Valium. I think.)


Cory said...

I like the comic, but the situation sucks. I'm so sorry for you.
It probably doesn't make you feel any better, but I was up late last night. Josh got the demo for Dragon Quest VIII, and he played until he bet it last night.

Kelley said...

You "think"?! Ha, that last line cracked me up!!

Too bad there isn't some baby valium! Sounds like you could really use it.

Hope that Ashleigh sleeps like a rock tonight!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie!
Is it possible she had gas? Jennifer used to have to give Maddie gas droplets when she couldn't sleep. Her little tummy would be a little bloated.