Friday, October 14

New Haircut

New Haircut
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

OK. I pretty much hate photos of myself, but have needed to take one so Kelley could see my new haircut AND to go on my "friendship tags." It seems like every time I have a good hair day, I forget a photo. And when I think about it, I'm not having a good hair day. Grrr.........

I figured today wasn't really good or bad, but I need to get these things done! And my haircut isn't really "new" anymore, it's two weeks old!


Kelley said...

Yay!!!!!!!! A photo of you! I love your "new" hair! The color is perfect for you, and I like the style. So pretty!!!

Kim should be almost done with her tags as well, and then we'll be able to mail our's off to you! Looking forward to seeing your's!

YankeeAmanda said...

I love it! Looks easy to care for, too, which for a mom of a baby is always a plus!

Kim :) said...

Great picture! :) Love the new do.

I should have my tag to Kelley tomorrow and we can mail ours off to you! Looking forward to seeing your tag.

Pammylew said...

I really like your hair now. But you have always had hair that I envied. I guess it would help if I took time to fix mine!!!!!!! I'm such a lazy terd.

Martha said...

Ohh Love it.. you have great eyes!! Love the color too!!!