Tuesday, October 11

My sweet 10-month-old

10 Months Close Up
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

I think this is my favorite. I know it's not her usual grin, but this is her happy, relaxed face. Just so sweet. Then again, I'm a little biased!

She was really a joy this weekend. So perfectly well-behaved. It made me proud. Especially since we drove 80 miles to my parents house, then about 20 minutes later drove another 30 to go shopping. Then all day in and out of stores. She finally gave up about 2:00 and I had to carry her around the last 20 or so minutes of our last stop.

Then she loved playing with her granparents, Aunt Cory and Uncle Josh. And her Mommy! She even slept well!

Sunday, I even let her go to the nursery during church. I was proud of ME on that one.

It was a great weekend that ended too soon.

Oh, did I mention I got a migraine Sunday night? That was just GREAT! I'll skip the gory details, but I was home yesterday, in the bed until about 3pm. Blah! But I'm back now!!! Look out!


Kim :) said...

Love the pictures this month. :) and a very pretty dress indeed! Glad to hear that she did so well on the visit to see your parents and the shopping trip.

Ugh! Sorry to hear about the migraine though. :( I hope you don't get another one for a very long time!

Kelley said...

Beautiful picture...she looks so peaceful! Glad you guys had a good weekend with your family. That is always nice. You've got a little shopper on your hands! Sorry about the migrane, but glad to hear you are back in top form today!