Friday, October 14

New Neighbors...

New Neighbors...
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

We've been getting a kick out of these folks for the past week or so. They live near my brother & sister-in-law and I drive past every day on the way to work.

Yesterday, Phillip & I rode together and he stopped so I could get this photo.

I'm sure these are really nice people. But we just can't believe that they are living in this tiny camper. And are apparently here for the long haul. Note the satellite tv dish on the right. And their night light. Do you see the little rooster yard art? Phillip's favorite is the ultra-portable fence. I think I like the way they have their little fence decorated for fall.

And just to answer a potential question: no, this is not in an RV park or anything similar. It's next to someone's house.

Just thought I'd share something that's had us smiling all week!


Kelley said...

Oh, this is great!!! I'd be smiling too! My favorite thing is that little white fence! So quaint!!!

Kim :) said...

That is to funny. I would get a laugh out of it every time I drove by as well, I mean if it were a trailer or RV park it would be one thing, but right in the regular neighborhood? Too funny.

Martha said...

OMG.. do they know these people.. or did they just decide to stop and set up shop!

Ahh gotta love the south!