Thursday, October 27

Know your farts...and let 'em rip!

NOT what I expected to hear in the waiting room of the pediatrician's office yesterday, but hear it I did.

{Yes, the doctor. Again. Ashleigh started sounding "croupy" late Tuesday evening and was terrible by Wednesday morning. So we had to see Dr. Odom again. She has the croup, but we caught it early and is already doing better. She slept well last night, that cough medicine kicks butt!}

Back to the fart story:

Their tv was tuned to Nickelodeon, and I wasn't really paying attention until I heard this phrase: "determines the smell of your flatulence." OK, now you have my full attention. This little piece was explaining how different foods produce different farts. For example, meats and eggs produce "silent but deadly" gas emissions. It also explained that farting was a sign of a healthy digestive system. It ended by saying "Know your farts...and let 'em rip!" I swear, it was like a Mad TV skit.

This undermined years of manners training by Moms across the country. It also let mischevious kids know what to eat for maximum effect! I'm sure there was a good intention behind this, but I'm not sure it really came across that way!


Kelley said...

I was a little worried when I read the title of this post :)

Nothin like a good fart story!

YankeeAmanda said...

Scary, what we let TV teach our kids, isn't it?

Kim :) said...

OH that is just horrible!! LOL (But funny as an adult.) I hate that this is on the channel that my children watch though!