Monday, October 31

Good Weekend...kinda

Friday afternoon: Well, the eye doctor's office was maybe three degrees cooler than hell, but Ashleigh did OK until we got stuck in the exam room for about 45 minutes. I finally started walking the hall with her and when the nurses notices, I asked if there was a back door we could so we could step outside for a few minutes to cool off because it was about 95 in the exam room. They turned on the air-too little too late. Anyway, they are supposed to call me with a surgery date, but they also have to get my insurance info straight. The lady politely informed me I'd have to pay $600 up front because we'd met NONE of her deductible. I DON'T THINK SO. We've met $1,418.27 of her $1,500 deductible, to be exact. Called and confirmed that with BC/BS this morning, waiting to hear back from the doctor's office.

Friday evening: Did a little shopping, then went to see my friend Angela's house, and meet her friend Lee Ann. The house is really nice, even though they are still in the "move-in" process! Angela had crocheted a nice little green afghan for Ashleigh and fed me some yummy chili. Ashleigh loved the puppy too.

Saturday: Cranky baby. Still-feeling-terrible hubby. The Taylor house isn't really a happy house today. Went to our neice's first birthday party, that was nice. But she was getting sick, didn't feel well. Ashleigh perked up and had a good time. Went to buy groceries afterwards, by myself and that took forever, but now we have food!

Sunday: My parents came to visit and that's always great. I have to say my Mom made the best roast I've ever eaten in my entire life!!!! I'm sad there is hardly any left. Ashleigh varied from super-cute to super-cranky. I told my parents they could take her home with them (yeah, RIGHT!) and I think she would have went! Was up most of the night with her crying. Blah!

Monday: BACK TO THE DOCTOR. I'm getting really tired of this, let me tell you. She was supposed to be WELL by today, not marginally (maybe) better. He said I did the right thing bringing her back in, but that is was just taking a little longer than expected. Still no shot, which I was secretly hoping for. Said to keep her on the antibiotic she's already taking. No trick-or-treating (got permission to go to the grandparents though!) and stay away from kids for a week. Thank GOD she isn't in daycare!

I have weekend pics and will have a few from tonight. She WILL dress up, even if it's for 5 minutes! Will try to post them tomorrow!


Kelley said...

I enjoyed the play-by-play weekend update! It sounds like you had a pretty good weekend, for the most part. Sorry to hear that Ashleigh isn't feeling completely better. And Kenneth too!!

What will Ashleigh be dressing up as for her first Halloween????

Kim :) said...

Sounds like your weekend was touch and go, but over all okay? Sorry to hear the family is still sick. I hope Ashleigh and Kenneth come around soon!

Have a super Tuesday.

Cory said...

I'm sorry everyone was feeling bad this weekend. Hope they all get better this week!