Tuesday, October 4

So tired...

All I want to do is go to sleep and stay asleep for quite a while.

Why? you might ask. Well, for some unknown reason, the past several nights my daughter has NOT been sleeping well. She goes to bed about 8 and usually snoozes fairly well for maybe a couple of hours. Then she starts tossing and turning. Then whining. Then crying and screaming. This goes on for quite a while, like MOST OF THE NIGHT. Then she might sleep from about 4:30 or 5 until 6 or 6:30. Ugh.

I know it's just part of being a parent and while the lack of sleep IS a pain, I wonder what is causing the problem. She is happy and wonderful all through the day. She even wakes up (for the day) in a happy mood. I even called the pediatrician's office this morning out desperation!! The nurse suggested giving her Tylenol right before bed, which makes sense, because she sounds like she's hurting. And the gas drops aren't helping this time : ( believe me I've tried that. After she suggested Tylenol, I felt like an idiot. Then again, being able to think of anything at 2am when you are dealing with a screaming child is a great feat.

I just hate not knowing what's up. So tonight she'll get the full treatment: Tylenol (or Motrin, it lasts longer!), gas drops and teething tablets or Orajel. I'll try to cover all the bases. And if anyone has any suggestions or theories on what might be wrong, PLEASE let me know! Because many more nights of 3 hours of sleep, I will become a danger to myself and others!

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