Monday, October 3

Scrapbook Saturday

Nine Months Old
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

Saturday was such a fun day. Pam, Rachel came to scrapbook and it made me realize how much I miss our monthly “scrap days.” We haven’t had one in.....gosh....before I got pregnant, I know. WAY too long...

Caiden, Clay, Kristen (Evie’s daughter) and Ashleigh had fun too. The older kids watched a few movies and Ashleigh just played with anyone and everyone. She was pretty darn good and that made me proud.

I spent a good deal of time organizing my fibers & ribbons and did one page while they were here. Pam and Rachel got several done each. Rachel got Kenneth to help her with one! He was such good sport about having a house full of women and kids.

After Ashleigh went to bed I got three more pages done. Woo hoo!!!

Let me know what you think of them.


Kelley said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your scrapbook day! Sounds like it was a full house, but tons of fun. Glad Ashleigh did well with it. Love the pages you got done!!

Cory said...

Love all the pages!!!!

Paddle Out for Whales said...

Hey jackie,
those pages are fantastic! So cute and girlie and adorable. It is something Ashleigh will be able to look back on when she's older and really appreciate the work that you have done! Fantastic job!

Kim :) said...

yeah for you on getting at least one page done Saturday while the girls were there! :) And a wonderful layout it is! Love it. Now you guys need to start getting together again more often!

Gina said...

You have a wonderful understanding of themes and layouts (and the subject, what a cutie pie). I notice in your profile that you are not only a scrapbooker, but also a graphic designer, do you marry these two talents together in any way?