Thursday, July 14

Fried Green Tomatoes, Workouts and More

OK, so how many of you like fried green tomatoes? I'm thinking they might be somewhat a Southern thing, but I don't know. I can't imagine not ever having them. Of course I can't imagine going to a restaurant & the waiter looking at me like I'm crazy when I order sweet tea!!

Kenneth introduced me to a new dish a month or so ago. Fried Green Tomato Sandwich. Y.U.M.M.Y. I can imagine many of you wrinkling your noses in disgust, but don't knock it until you've tried it! He eats his with Thousand Island dressing (yuck) while I prefer mine with mayo. He's had one before from a local restaurant and they put bacon on theirs. He says that is really good. I very rarely ever buy bacon, so I may never know.

Now after I've told you about my healthy dinner (LOL) lets move on to working out. WHY oh WHY is it so hard? I feel incredibly better when I do exercise. Not only physically, but mentally. And I can tell my endurance improves daily. What is it about the human psyche that makes it so easy to NOT do something that makes us feel better? Are we just self-destructive by nature? Like vitamins. They make me feel better. But I'll take them for awhile, then quit! No reason, I'll just stop taking them. I took them for awhile before I got pregnant, then religiously while pregnant. I kept that up until March, then started back in June. I plan to keep it up this time.

I hope all of you who visit my blog notice all the links down the side now!!! I added "Links" and "Blogs I Visit" yesterday. I messed it up, but Kelley straightened it out for me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Again. This morning I added my favorite authors. I LOVE to read. I mainly only get to read during my lunch hour at work, but I try to grab a minute here and there whenever I can. If anyone has any authors/books you think I'd like, love to hear them. And Kelley, I PROMISE I'm going to read the books you recommended. Mom just brought me a stack of books to read, so maybe when I get through with them....

I'll have some more posts later in the day, photos and such....


Kelley said...

Fried green tomatoes...YUMMY!!!!! I, as you know, had never had them before moving to Mississippi. And thanks to you I can say I have now! They are so good, I never would've imagined! And having a sandwich with them sounds pretty good too!

I'm with you on the working out. What on earth will it take to stay motivated???? I disgust myself!!!!

And you are welcome for the link lesson :) And look at you, adding those authors!! I'm proud of you!!!!!

Kim :) said...

I can't say that I have had fried green tomatoes. I dont' like tomatoes so I am thinking I will steer clear of friends green ones also! *laugh*

Way to go on getting your blog set up like you wanted it. Looks great and I loved seeing my name in your blogs visited list! I always enjoy seeing your post on my blog. Hopefully one of these days we will get to meet in person!

I hear ya on the motivation part! I do the same thing with exercising, vitamins etc. I don't know why I sabotage myself. If you can figure this one out PLEASE let me know the reason we do this to ourselves!

Geeze! I don't just get long winded on my own blog. I do it in other peoples too!!! LOL