Tuesday, September 13

Phone Company Bas****s

Oh yeah. I'm pissed.

I missed 3 HOURS-UNPAID of work yesterday and nobody showed up to work on our phone. We will receive a credit for every day our phone has been out of service. And I told the customer service rep in no uncertain terms I was NOT missing another minute of work. Period. Unless they wanted to reimburse me my hourly pay.

Otherwise an OK evening. Ashleigh took a late & long nap, so didn't go to bed until 10pm. And she was all over the place, into everything. And I'm such a freak-I LOVE IT!! To me it shows she is inquisitive, wanting to explore everything around her. And she knows what no means, she just doesn't care. I had to remind her again last night that she could be as stubborn as she wanted, I've got about 32 more years of practice at it, so she won't win.

Well, must be off to work. Matt is now in production full-time for an undetermined amount of time so it's just me & Aimee. And we're pretty busy. BLAH!!


Kim :) said...

Ohh, I hate waiting for someone and they never show up!! I am glad that you stood up for yourself, hopefully they will get tehre butts out there and fix it pronto!

Kelley said...

Grrr! I can imagine how pissed off you were about that phone business!!!!!! And still no phone! Good grief!

Glad you are enjoying Ashleigh so much...you are such an amazing mother!!!

Now, what is the scoop with Matt? Is he not a graphic artist anymore??

Paddle Out for Whales said...

Oh I would be furious. Bloody hell! I would have been so so mad. SO what are they going to do now?? Shit I would have been so angry about it. THe fact that u had 3 hours of missing work and not being paid. That's unbelievable. Ridiculous. Some things in life are so unreliable. I'd be giving them heaps!

You sound like such a good mum. Ashleigh would be so lucky to have a Mummy like u! Aww, she sounds like an adorable kid. Lucky to have each other.