Wednesday, September 28

Super Human Strength?

OK, maybe not. But when necessary, a Mom can hold a half-asleep 23 lb. child in one arm and pee at 2 am. Without any "accidents." Alright, I know it's not lifting a car off a child after a wreck, but come on...I was pretty impressed with myself!

Guess you can tell from that that we didn't have the best night's sleep ever in the Taylor house. She was in bed by 8, but from 11-3 involved bouts of me & her in the recliner and her in the bed with me & Kenneth. After 3, she slept fairly well in her own bed. Thank God.

Hope you're all a little more well-rested than me!

P.S. I still wouldn't take anything in the world for her!!!!!!


Kelley said...

Sorry about the rough night of sleep!!!! But I'm quite impressed with your little "trick"! :)

Cory said...

Nice trick!!! At 2 am I would have trouble getting myself to the bathroom, I know because I tripped over the bed and a chair yesterday morning.