Tuesday, September 20

Standing Up

Standing in play pen
Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.

Last week, Ashleigh finally pulled herself up to a standing position. There was much cheering and clapping by me and Kenneth. She tries to pull up on everything, but so far, only succeeds while in jail. (That's what Kenneth calls the pack n play!) She gets so excited when she stands up, she's so darn cute!!! The flip side of that is when she's trying to stand up and can't, she gets so mad! I don't know where she gets that from. ; )


Pammylew said...

She is soo cute!!! And getting so big. I wish I could spend more time with you guys.

Danielle said...

She looks like such a happy girl!

Kelley said...

Yay for Ashleigh! She'll be walking and running and getting married before you know it! :)

Kim :) said...

Way to go Ashleigh!!! Oh, the times of keeping her in one place for every long are soo over!! :) Enjoy it!