Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm a busy and tired girl. But here's a rundown recent events (that I can remember!)
::Haircut and color on Saturday, Nov. 18th. Hair is a little darker (not drastically) and shorter-about collar bone length.
::Last OB visit was OK. Abby weighed about 3 lbs. A little big for her age, but within the normal range. Heart rate, etc. were good. My BP was a little high, but not bad. The doc said my amniotic fluid was "borderline low" so I go back Dec. 6th for another ultrasound. I go from not really worried to totally freaked out about this development.
::Started getting the dreaded itchy-scratchy throat/cough combo the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and felt pretty crappy on Turkey Day.
::Was better by Saturday for all my family to visit, just in time for Ashleigh to be sick with a crazy fever-spiking virus. She played just a little bit with her cousin, but not alot. She was a big time Mama's girl. But she was
wonderful Sunday. At least Cory and Josh got to see her in her usual play hard mode.
::That's really about it. Now you see why I haven't posted!
Oh! The ceiling fixture in our kitchen bit the dust Saturday afternoon. I'm hoping to talk Kenneth into replacing it Sunday. I think proper lighting is very important in the kitchen! (We have lots of "task lighting" so I'm not cooking in the dark!
Another tidbit: I decided after much deliberation to forgo my big ole 7.5' tree this year. Just not enough time or energy. AND Ashleigh is a bit of a Christmas Tree terrorist. Many of my mother-in-law's ornaments met their death on Monday. So I got a 4.5' pre-lit tree and it's on top of a piece of furniture in the living room. It's not a Charlie Brown tree, it's nice and full. The only problem is most of my ornaments are really big, so I can't use them. And I'm not using those colored glass balls because my daughter seems to think they taste good. I've got to find a way to add some more color and I think I'll be done with that.
This weekend, in addition to making more progress on the nursery, a little trip to Tupelo is in order. Have to go to Hobby Lobby to get canvases, etc. to paint for Abby's room. I'm so ashamed. I think all Ashleigh's paintings were finished by this point! Man, I'm getting stressed just thinking about it. We still have to paint the walls!!!
Another thing, my sweet child has lost her mind. Also known as the terrible twos or learning boundaries, trying to gain independance...I don't care what you call it. She's went nuts! All is well one moment, then she's crying or whining and won't/can't tell you why. She'll ask for something, then doesn't want it. Gives you something, then is furious because you took's very trying to say the least. I've had some moments where I'm convinced I'm a horrible mother, but I remind myself (or get Kenneth to remind me) that it's just a phase, this too shall pass. But I feel so darned guilty for feeling so frustrated with her! I just want to shake her, yell at her, give her the butt-whipping of a get the point. But I've realized something today: I'm NOT a bad Mom because I
don't do that stuff to her. Don't get me wrong, she'll get a swat on her hand or leg but that hurts her feelings more than anything. (And if you don't believe in that-save your breath-I'm old school and believe spankings never hurt anyone. Not beatings-just a spanking.) I just think that parents are human (and I'm a pregnant one at that) and that no matter how much you love your cute little offspring it's perfectly normal for them to drive you bonkers when they are at this psycho time in their lives. (and I know this won't be the only psycho phase she goes through) But as long as I don't physically/emotionally abuse her and she always knows that she is loved I'm doing alright. Because the worst thing that's going to happen to her when she throws herself down to throw a fit because she's been corrected is maybe a bump on the head if she's overly dramatic.
OK, there's a long post to do you awhile! ; )