Tuesday, August 2

Being a Grown Up

Lots of things suck about being a grown up.

For example, that wedding in Memphis we were so excited about going to? We can't, because we have to many bills to pay. But we have to be responsible adults and work hard to pay our bills and maybe, just maybe, someday get ahead so that when something unexpected (financially) comes up, we can handle it, with no major juggling or penny pinching.

But instead of dwelling on all the yucky aspects of being an adult (like not getting summer vacation) I thought I'd make a list of things that are good about being all grown up:

:: You can blow bubbles in the house and not get in trouble.
:: You can eat ice cream for a meal if you choose.
:: You can stay up as late as you want and sleep as late as you want. (until you have kids!)
:: You can go whever you want, whenever you want.
:: You can watch anything you please on tv.
:: You can play hookey and not get in trouble. (Unless your boss finds out, LOL)
:: You can have the refrigerator door open for more than 10 seconds without getting yelled at to close it.
:: You can go in and out of the house as much as you please without anyone telling you to stay in or out.
:: When you have kids, you finally get to say, "because I said so" and it's a valid reason!

I'm sure there are loads more great things, these are just what I thought of off the top of my head. Anyone who has any other things you love about being a grownup, please share them with me!


YankeeAmanda said...

-You can wear what you want without getting parental approval.
-You can talk to strangers if you want to.

Anonymous said...

You can have every light in the house on...

Kim :) said...

These are great! I loved the commercial where the guy was going threw some of this. He was on the phone talking to his parents with every light in the house on , the front door wide open. I was just to funny. So being a grownup isn't so bad all the time I guess. :)

Kelley said...

Great post! Being a grown up sure does suck a lot...but also has plenty of advantages...

SOOOOOOOOO sorry to hear that you won't be able to go to Nell's wedding! I know you must be so bummed about that :(