Wednesday, August 3

The Grass Isn't Always Greener

This sort of falls into the same "theme" as several previous posts.

I realized yesterday that just because what you see & know about someone's life makes you think that they somehow have it "better" than you doesn't mean it's so. What I mean is there are probably things you don't know about that you would never want to deal with yourself. For example, awhile back I got bummed out by someone else's fabulous photography. (instead of being inspired by it, which I now am!) Then a close friend pointed out to me that this wonderful woman has a child with special needs. Whoa. OK, one is not related to the other, BUT that made me realize that her life isn't all roses and sunshine. Everyone has difficulties and obstacles in their lives. This woman I'm speaking of has a wonderful & full life with wonderful children that she loves very much. And while I know she wouldn't trade her special needs child for anything in the world...oh gosh...

Now I feel like anything I say I'm putting my foot in my mouth. I don't want anyone to think I'm talking badly about people with special needs!! Because I don't feel that way at all. For example, Kenneth and I declined some prenatal tests during my pregnancy. They screened for things like Down Syndrome. We felt like if our child was going to have any sort of special needs, we'd find out when she got here. Because we would love our child completely, no matter what. And since Kenneth deals with special needs people in his job, he know about all the programs, etc. we'd need to help our child develop to her fullest potential.

I guess my whole point to all this is that our daughter, at 8 months old, seems healthy and whole in every way. (I say that because I think some things can show up later on.) Now, would I trade that for amazing photography skills? No. Would I trade that for financial security? Not in a million years!

So while I may envy others talents, I should focus on just being inspired by them. And always remain thankful for the blessings I have in my life. And while I think I don't have any talents at all, others see me has having talents they wish they had.

I hope I got that point across without offending anyone!

On a MUCH lighter note, I got Faith Hill's new CD, Fireflies, yesterday. It's alot more "country" than her previous CD or two, but I think I like it.


Kim :) said...

I agree with you. And I believe I know who you are speaking of. I am inspired by this person every time I read her blog. For a while I thought she had it made and lived in a perfect world, but then I started reading deeper into her blog and realized that she has a lot of issues, a lot of feelings that I myself have.

Your right, you have many talents that others see and wish that they had. It is a shame that we don't see these talents but others see them and envy us them. I guess that is a good thing though?

Kelley said...

I loved your deep thinking on this one...thank you for sharing with us.

And I've been waiting for Faith's new cd! I can't believe it's out and I didn't realize! (of course, I've been MIA for 9 days!) I think of you, everytime I hear that Mississippi Girl song...