Wednesday, August 3

Meet Rachel

Originally uploaded by Sunshyn93.
I met Rachel several years ago when she first began working here. In the past couple of years, we've become very close friends.

She is one of the sweetest, most giving, caring, fun, silly and upbeat people I've ever known. She seems to always have a smile, no matter how bad things are. (I actually encourage her to be a little more mean sometimes-to stand up for herself more!)

Another plus to our friendship is that she's a Mommy too! And since her youngest child is almost two, she still understands my excitement over certain things Ashleigh does. Like sleep though the night. And she can sympathize with the sleepless nights all too well. And through her experiences (currently potty training) I get a little heads-up on what's to come. (Then hand-me-downs don't hurt either, LOL!)

We love getting together to scrapbook and just hang out, we've even colored eachother's hair! We like to read the same kinds of books, so we can share and talk about the books we've read. We can also relate to eachother in the finance department.

I am so lucky to have Rachel for a friend. She is truly a blessing in my life. {So don't kill me for putting your photo on my blog, OK Rach?}


Kim :) said...

Nice to meet you Rachel!! Aren't friends like this priceless??

YankeeAmanda said...

Who on earth WOULDN'T love Rachel? She's GREAT!!!

Cory said...

And it's a wonderful picture!

Kelley said...

What a beautiful photo of Rachel! Just gorgeous.

I miss you Rachel! Everything Jackie says is true...she's one of the most upbeat people I've ever met!