Monday, August 8

Icky old Monday...

Okay, not the best attitude, I know, but I'm just not thrilled to be at work. Of course, what I really want (NEED) is a nap, and if I were home, I wouldn't be able to nap either, so I might as well be getting paid to be awake. ; ) At least I've got some cool 80's music to listen to while I work!

I FINALLY got some scrapbook pages done this weekend! Eight, actually. Woo-hoo!!! I'll try to have them ready to share tomorrow. Got to use some of my neat paper, embellishments and alphabet stamps I bought last YEAR.

Saturday morning I did some housework and then Kenneth wanted to go riding, so we did that. It was fun, we looked at some toys I'd like to get Ashleigh for her birthday or Christmas. And with her being so young, we "tested" a few out on her. She was so good! Except she kept turning sideways in the seat and putting one of her feet up on the handle. That irritated Kenneth so much! He kept taking her foot down and turning her around. I didn't really care. As long as she's happy and not in danger of falling, I'm cool with it. But I let him turn her around to his heart's content.

I watched some movies and that was the extent of my weekend. Pretty boring, actually, but I enjoyed it. It's always nice to relax a bit. Although it was pretty hard, especially yesterday afternoon. My wonderfully happy daughter was not so wonderfully happy. She was fussy and crying most of the afternoon and boy, did THAT get old quick! Kenneth was hanging out with his Dad for awhile and I couldn't wait for him to get home. I can honestly say that is the first time she has really gotten to me to the point where I needed a break for a while. After I had it, I was in a much better frame of mind.

I'm also excited that my friend Kelley is back from her vacation to Tahiti! She's probably not that thrilled to be back, LOL, but I can't wait to see her photos and hear all about it. Because I'm pretty sure I'll never get to go.


Cory said...

Congrats on the pages!

YankeeAmanda said...

Mondays are generally stinky, unless you have one off like Paul does today. But I'd rather him work Monday than Saturday, which he'll have to do this weekend!

Kim :) said...

way to go on getting 8 pages done this weekend!! I can't wait to see what you have created. It sounds like you had a nice weekend all in all.

Don't let it bother you that you needed some time away from Ashleigh when she was so cranky on Saturday. That is typical of any parent. And if someone tries to tell you differently they are a damn liar! *laugh* Honestly. time away is NOT a bad thing at all.

Kelley said...

Yay for 8 scrapbook pages! Woo hoo! That's awesome, can't wait to see them!!!

And your weekend sounds nice and relaxing...good for you. I'm glad you felt better after getting a little break from cranky Ashleigh...normal stuff, I'm sure!

I am glad to be back, but man, I'm dragging. Day 2 is worse than Day 1 for me, and being up a lot of the night with icky sinuses sure didn't help matters! :( Hopefully Day 3 will see some improvement...

Photos to come, I promise! As soon as I'm alive again!