Wednesday, August 17

Migraines Suck

Suck the life right out of you!!! For those of you who don't have them, you are blessed. For those of you who do, I feel your pain. Literally.

Remember I said I felt all blah & crappy Monday?'s been so long (thankfully) since I've had a migraine that I didn't recognize what was happening. I woke up at 11:30pm with a full-blown migraine and suffered through the night. Kenneth took Ashleigh to his Mom's Tuesday morning and I was in bed most of the day. By last night I was feeling some better and I'm obviously back at work today. Still feel very tired and run-down, but at least I don't feel like there is a heavy metal band playing in the middle of a raging thunderstorm IN MY HEAD.

To answer a couple of questions left in comments:
::Unfortunately, I have to work full-time. Wish I didn't, but finances require it. But I'm lucky that my mother-in-law keeps Ashleigh every day. I never have to worry that she's getting all the love, attention and care she deserves! My in-laws live next door to us, which makes it even more convenient.

::My lack of commenting on other's blogs is for two reasons: 1) we've been pretty busy off and on at work and 2)Our internet service has been incredibly crappy lately, as in we don't have it half the time! And of course, as soon as we have some downtime, the internet goes down too. BLAH! I'll try to get caught back up. This blogging is very addictive!

OH! Another fun thing: we've gotten update programs here at the office and it's so much fun playing with them, getting back into the 21st Century! If anyone knows of any good sites to get FREE Photoshop brushes, please let me know.

Also, I've been thinking about organizing an "Idea File" for scrapbooking. I have a 3-ring binder currently, but haven't added anything in ages. I've decided that once I read a magazine, I will go through and take out all the ideas I really like and want to copy. But I need to have all this organized in an easy-to-use format. Any ideas? Because if I have to spend 15 minutes looking through just to find something, I'll never use it. (Which is kind of the case now.)


Kelley said... has awesome free on the search thing, and go to "resources"...thousands and thousands of brushes!

Sorry about the migraine...that does royally suck. I'm glad you are feeling better today!!!!

Good luck with the idea file. I don't have many ideas for that, since I'm struggling with the same thing :) I am with you though, I want to go through all my magazines and cut out the layouts I like, and then get rid of the mags. I have way too many, and never look at them!!!!

Cory said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. I know all about migraines. Mine usually stick around a few days, and I end up going to work anyway. Of course, that helped me to get a really good review this past year at work. They liked me working even when sick because no one else knew the job....
And good luck with your scrapping idea!

Kim :) said...

Ugh! sorry to hear baout the migraine! I am one of the lucky ones *knock on wood* that hasn't ever had to deal with them. I get headahes, but nothing that serious!

I am not sure about the file idea. I struggle with this as well. :(

YankeeAmanda said...

I've gotten totally hooked on blogging, and it's due mostly to reading yours. The coolest thing about blogging is how I can "meet" so many other neat people and read their stories, and they in turn read mine, and voila, I have new friends! I love this!