Friday, August 26

Irrational Fear

OK, thought I'd share one of my irrational fears: Finding someone dead. And I don't mean an elderly relative or anything like that, even though that would be terrible. I mean like you're driving down the road and see a body in the ditch. That sort of thing. I think it's probably for two reasons: 1)One of my high school teachers found a dead guy in the woods once and 2)All those darn Law & Order (and other) shows that begin with a person minding their own business and WHAM! dead body. I think I would be scarred for life. The type of scar that doesn't fade with time.

Another is that I'll wake in the night and find someone (or something) standing over me, waiting to kill me or worse! (I know Kelley, too many scary books, right?)

So, what's an irrational fear of yours?


Aimee H Shaw said...

Irrational fear.....

1) Robotics, kinda like Terminator that keeps on coming after you, and like on sci-fi stuff, don't know why....

2) Sunken ships - completely enthralled with Titanic, always have been, but would be terrified to swim in the ocean (like that would happen anyway) thinking about all those ships down there trying to get me - lol

Cory said...

I'm scared of eighteen wheelers. It's kinda funny. I just have this irrational fear that one is going to fall over and land on top of me.
Of course, I did get sideswipped by one, but this fear started in childhood.

Danielle said...

I love the Law and Order shows!

I'm petrified, however, of getting sweat stains.

Martha said...

Whoa..... what made of think of these fears all of the sudden??

Hmm.. I constantly picture bad things happening. Like when Alex was a baby I would picture myself walking down the stairs, have my knee dislocate and go tumbling down trying to save him while in horrible pain. OR car accidents, I hate 18 wheelers too!!!


Kelley said...

That's EXACTLY right!! Too many of those dang books you read! Almost serves you right :)

But you are right, finding someone dead would be just about the most horrible thing!

Paul said...

Irrational fears?
I probably have more than I can count. I'm quite afraid of getting something wrong at work and am almost obsessive about it.
I am really goofy about triple-checking locks - I'm not sure why. Maybe I left the door unlocked one time and I got in trouble. Who knows?
I'm also afraid I finally posted on your blog! :)
If I'm bald the next time you see me you know why! :P~

Paddle Out for Whales said...

I'm actually scared of lots of things. i agree just stumbling over a dead body would be quite a fright! I always think of that when I'm walking along the beach and its quiet. WHat would you do?

This happened a while ago to my house mate but it would have been enough to scare the shit out of me- in the middle of the night she felt this giant hand on her face while she was laying there asleep. Woke up- screamed only to find that it was a giant green tree frog had fallen off the ceiling and landed right in the middle of her face. It would have felt like a giant hand smothering her!

I'm absolutely petrified of faces appearing at the window of a night time. I'm petrified of it. I'll be standing there and imagine some creepy man's face popping up out of nowhere. Scares the pants off me!

Paddle Out for Whales said...

Hey Jackie....hope ur not amidst the Hurricane Katrina chaos. Hope ur safe and well....just heard random news reports about it hitting mississippi and I was a tad concerned. Take care,frenchy