Thursday, August 18

Have a little fun...

come on, you can do it! I promise it won't hurt a bit! : )

Seriously, WHY would anyone want to go through the day with a sour expression on their face? You're going to get wrinkles anyway, might as well make them laugh lines!

Don't get me wrong, I have my share of bad moods, but some people LIVE in a bad mood. WHY? Nothing is that serious. I think you'll be a lot happier if you don't take yourself so seriously. Laugh at yourself, because everyone else is going to! Like yesterday, I kept doing boneheaded stuff all day. (More than usual.) I could have gotten frustrated, but I just laughed at myself. And called Aimee a heifer head all day long. he he.

Maybe your entire day can't be a laugh fest. (Although I think you should make that your goal.) But look for humor wherever you can find it and latch on. And usually, humourous things are all around, it's just too easy to get all caught up in the stupidity (which also abounds), ignorance and just plain old meanness of others. Instead of getting all upset, just thank God that YOU aren't that stupid or mean, and be glad that you can still have fun.


YankeeAmanda said...

Amen, sister, life is too short to be mopey!!!

Kim :) said...

SOO very true Jackie! Laughter is wonderful. And laughing at yourself is better then getting aggrevated!

Hope you have a Laughing good day!

Kelley said...

Great post today! I assume there is someone in your midst who is living without much laughter, eh? :) Taking themselves too seriously?

I would love to laugh more. What a great goal to have!