Tuesday, August 23

If you had a super power....

what would you want it to be?

On the way home yesterday, I thought of several things that would be good to put on my blog. Of course, I forgot all but one. I was thinking it'd be really cool if I could make people feel what I felt, even if it was for a brief time. I guess I was thinking of this because I had a REALLY bad case of heartburn. So bad I wondered if that's really what it was, or maybe I was having some sort of cardiac problem. And I thought that if I could make someone else actually physically feel what I was feeling, I could get some answers. When I have a really bad headache, I could make Kenneth feel how bad I felt. Because he is so lucky, he rarely has headaches and usually a couple of Tylenol or Aleve rid him of them. And think how easy doctor's visits would be! When he askes what the problem is, just make him/her feel it for themselves. And when I was pregnant, I could have let Kenneth (and whoever else) feel what it was like to have Ashleigh's booty crammed up under my left rib for 6 weeks! Of course, there is the dark side of this. Like when you have a really bad headache or something, you could make someone who was irritating you have the same headache. I'll admit, that would be very tempting for me. And Kenneth would have definitely felt some of those contractions during labor! : ) Love ya, babe!

Of course, if I could really choose a superpower, I think it'd probably be to make my bank account have a very healthy balance that never depleted, no matter how much we spent. THAT would be very good indeed. Then again, to have a perfectly fit and trim body while never exercising and eating whatever I wanted would be good too. But that's just dreaming...

Let me know what superpower you'd want! And it's OK to be totally selfish. None of this saving the world stuff, LOL! That would just make me look bad.


Danielle said...

I love that ever-fit body idea! I also think it would be amazing to be able to fly. I know everyone probably says that, but I have had that dream since I was a child.

And one more would have to be Camera Eyes, which I actually wrote a post about recently. I would totally love to have Camera Eyes. Not x-ray vision or anything, just to capture the beauty of everyday life on film.

Kelley said...

You make me laugh! I wouldn't dream of making you look bad :)

At first thought, I want to have the ability to read everyone's minds. That way I could always know what they were thinking, and could know what the truth was at all times. But then, I remember that I would much prefer to just remain as naive and clueless as possible, so scratch that one.

So, my answer is that I would like to be able to close my eyes, then open them and be wherever I want to be. Speedy travel that way!!! No long flights. No long car rides. Could visit my family and friends whenever the whim hits!!!!

YankeeAmanda said...

I think, because of the unique situation I'm in right now, if I could have the power to accomplish tasks just be thinking of them, that would be FABULOUS! All this packing is becoming cumbersome!

Kim :) said...

Loved this post! How fun... But after thinking on them my ideas aren't very original. I would love to be able to twitch my nose and be where ever I want, without the travel. I really don't enjoy driving and I hate for Gary to have to do it all the time, so this would be HUGE for me.

And I would like to be able to be "fit" without having to worry about it.

Martha said...

Hmm.. gosh so many needs such little time! I am going to have to go with the magic power of my bank account being full, all bills paid (on time), have a great house, and cars too. Then of course I could spend money and whatever I spend that day during the night magically get's put back in. So every day I start off with the same amount of money. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Of course the HOT, firm body while eating all my favorite foods is a VERY close second!