Wednesday, August 31

We're OK...

For those of you who don't know exactly where in Mississippi I live, I'm about 300 miles from the coast. Which means that with this hurricane, we were without power for 24 hours and lost one tree. And we were lucky! Some people even further north than us have more damage to contend with. And some of my friends and co-workers still have no electricity.

Monday we didn't have internet at work because our service provider goes through a service provider in New Orleans. I never knew that ISPs had ISPs. Interesting. But Aimee worked almost all day Monday to get a backup ISP running and obviously she did. Aimee rocks!

I feel so petty now after actually seeing a bit of the news and realizing the massive destruction of this Hurricane from Hell. We were so put out and frustrated because we had no electricity for 24 hours, no phone for a good bit of that and no water for a time. But we still have a home, safe and sound and jobs to go to. My sister lives about an hour from the coast, but I was able to talk to her after the storm had moved further north and she's fine. The house roof had a leak or two, but that's it. She's safe. Kenneth has a cousin in Biloxi who just returned from Iraq. Haven't heard anything from him or his family, but I feel like they are probably fine, or we would have heard something. It's just hard to take in all the devastation. Looking at the footage, with the news anchors showing me the Grand Casino, about a half mile from where it should be. It just boggles the mind. And then New Orleans...jeez! They said this morning that they were trying to see IF the city could be saved. IF? Wow.

On another little related note: I was FURIOUS to see little bitty babies being rescued from the hurricane flooding. I think that if you have small children and don't evacuate when you are told, you should be charged with criminal endangerment or something like that. Of course, I think busses should be provided to evacuate people who don't have cars, or money for the ridiculously high gas, etc. But children can't make the choice of gambling with their lives and parents shouldn't. If you are an adult and think you can "ride out" a category 5 hurricane, FINE. Be an idiot. But don't endanger anyone else. OK. I'll get off that soap box.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'll get "caught up" on my blogging as much as possible today. But since I missed work yesterday, I better get busy!


Kim :) said...

So glad to hear that you and your family are okay! It just breaks my heart to hear the devastation from the hurricane!

I am SOOO SOO with you on the issue of those people that choose not to evacuate. The children can't just up and leave on there own, so then they are forced into a situation they could have been taken out of. I pray for everyone in that area!

Kelley said...

Girl! I'm so glad to see you are okay!! Tried calling work and home yesterday, and couldn't reach you. Then I saw a post from you on my blog, and I was so relieved!!!

Glad that you didn't get affected by it too much. The whole thing just blows my mind. The power of mother nature is awe-inspiring. I feel for all those people dealing with this. I can't even begin to imagine entire cities being wiped out. How is it possible that there isn't a New Orleans anymore????