Wednesday, August 24

This and That

Just a few things:

::Yesterday Aimee told me she was going to shove me up my own butt! Maybe you guys get as big a kick out of that as I do.

::Don't you HATE it when some jerk pulls out in front of you, almost causing an accident, only to turn at the next intersection OR go about 20mph?

::For the first time ever, a Dean Koontz book is giving me the heebie jeebies! It's called Winter Moon. Last night, one character opened his back door to find the rotting corpse of his wife on the other side, inhabited/animated by some sort of oozing alien-type creature!!! I didn't have nightmares of that nature, but sure did have weird dreams!

::I hate hot weather. Can't wait for things to start cooling off around here. Which MIGHT be October, if we're lucky!

::When you're cooking hamburgers, do you ever get those icky little booger things? It's like the grease oozes out the side and gets stuck somehow and turns into disgusting gunk. GROSS, GROSS, GROSS!!!!

:: I love sweet tea!!!!! Kenneth and I go through about a gallon every 2 days, more on the weekends when we're home all day. If it's not sweet, it's disgusting and not worth drinking, TO ME (LOL, Kelley!). How many of you like tea? And do you like it sweet or unsweet, hot or cold? I'd like to know.

::I can't stand to drink anything hot. Not even hot chocolate and I LOVE chocolate. It just seems wrong to drink hot things. I do love soup though. Weird, huh?

Just a few little idle thoughts I felt compelled to share. Oh, and one more:
I'm so loving this whole blog thing!!! Having great fun with it.


Kelley said...

Ha! Yes, I got a huge kick out of the "shoving up you own butt" comment!!!!

And glad to hear that you are finally getting scared by a book! I hate those scary books you read :)

As for tea...I am with you, I love sweet tea. I've always drank mine sweetened with sugar, but this would be after it was made and put into a glass. Doesn't even come close!! Lots of places here have sweet tea, and I will always get it! I don't like hot tea at all. Ick.

Danielle said...

I think it would be extremely difficult to shove someone up their own butt. I've never really thought about it before now though, surprisingly.

And I always have a pitcher of Crystal Light iced tea in the fridge. It's not real tea, just water and powder, but it is much more interesting than ordinary water.

Martha said...

My FAVORITE thing about the south.. the SWEAT TEA!!!!! God love it!!!!

You should try a Frozen Hot Chocolate here in Columbus at Beans and cream OR I think any Starbucks has them too.

Aimee H Shaw said...

I would love to try to shove some people up their own - you just CRACK me up - heehee. And you KNOW you were picking boogers out of your nose (as opposed to your butt) when you were making the patties..

I'll DRINK sweet tea, but I'd rather have coke. But I'm with Martha as far as a frozen drink from a (semi) coffee place - you know I love my BAM Special (Frozen Cappuccino).

Kim :) said...

Shoving you up your own butt. Now that is funny!!! Good One Aimee

I don't like tea at all. YUCK!! I never aquired the taste for it.

I am loving the blog thing also! :) It has been fun getting to know people threw blogs.